General Prosecution: Mubarak and his family are not out of Egypt

4 de marzo de 2011

The Assistant General Prosecutor and official spokesman Adel al-Saeed denied news that ex-president Mubarak and his family were currently out of Egypt.
The General Prosecutor issued on February 28 an order that imposes a travel ban on Mubarak and his family while complaints against them are being investigated. The order also froze their money and assets.
Al-Saeed denied news claiming that former president Hosni Mubarak is now in Saudi Arabia.
Al-Saeed said that the General Prosecution received a notification from a worker at a real estate office in South Sinai saying that he headed yesterday to Sharm el-Sheikh to meet Mubarak and his family members upon their request.
The Mubarak’s had authorized one of the lawyers to defend them, he said, adding that the authorizations were sent to the General Prosecutor's office.

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